levv footprint #
Get your applications footprint
levv footprint [command options]
The metrics presented are expressed in Watts-hour (Wh) and in grams of CO2 equivalent (gCO2eq), obtained using our allocation methodology https://docs.levv.io/reference/allocation-methodology.
--history By default the average footprint is displayed. Use this flag to print all obtained measurements in the given period (default: false)
--project value, -p value Use this flag to get your Project's footprint in more detail, ex: levv footprint -p my-project
--start value By default the last 1h metrics are obtained, use this argument to request a different start time. Value should be expressed in RFC3339 format, example: "2024-03-20T07:52:44Z".
--end value By default the last 1h metrics are obtained, use this argument to request a different end time. Value should be expressed in RFC3339 format, example: "2024-03-20T07:52:44Z".
--output value, -o value Output format. One of "json", "table". By default output is displayed in "table" format.
--help, -h show help