levv logs #
Get application logs. Maximum log retention is 5 days (120 hours).
levv logs [command options] <application>
--project value, -p value Your project's name
--last value By default the last 15m logs are obtained, use this flag to request a different period. Value can be expressed in a relative duration, examples: "2s", "2m", "2h".
--start value By default the last 15m logs are obtained, use this flag to request a different start time. Value should be expressed in RFC3339 format, example: "2024-03-20T07:52:44Z".
--end value By default the last 15m logs are obtained, use this flag to request a different end time. Value should be expressed in RFC3339 format, example: "2024-03-20T07:52:44Z".
--replica value, -r value Your replica
--limit value, -l value Max number of log entries to get (default: 100)
--follow Follow logs in a stream (default: false)
--help, -h show help